January 9th, 2011

Lorraine’s Sweet Map

I thought it would be neat to keep track of all of the Sweet Places I have been to. I figured out that it would be possible to keep track of these using Google Maps/Google Earth and Picasa. So, whenever I go somewhere new I will update this map. If you click on the images you can see a snapshot of the place. So, check back every so often so see where I’ve been (I added a link in the menu so you can find this page easily)!

Lorraine’s Sweet Map

Posted under Uncategorized

5 Responses to “Lorraine’s Sweet Map”

  1. The abtliiy to think like that shows you’re an expert

  2. “just tell him he cant come in because he’s black.” The black uncle tom ass bouncer just stood there looking stupid. I never understood how could an establishment treat someone…its 2012….and how a black bouncer could be so weak to allow his own kind to be treated with such disrespect. I hope this place really gets shut down, sued or something.

  3. 感謝您的指正,我把那句「瘦肉精又稱為培林、萊克多巴胺(Ractopamine)及克倫特羅(Clenbuterol)」,改成更精確的「美國開放使用的瘦肉精商品名為培林(Paylean),主要成分是萊克多巴胺(Ractopamine)。」 ,克倫特羅(Clenbuterol)在各國皆是禁藥,所以我就不討論了。

  4. Moi aussi je dis que je ne veux pas aller à l’école les jours où c’est plus dûr de se lever pour le travail. Sauf que dans mon cas, je travaille à la maison

  5. Hej eleonore!Jag är en riktig torris på vintern och har provat en mängder med olika hudlotions, dock inte den här. Vet du om den finns i gbg någonstans? Vad jag har hört så säljs märket bara i butiken i huvudstaden..

LorrainePhD Welcome to
my site devoted
to all things
cupcake (and
other sweets)!
When I started this blog I was
on my way to earning my PhD
in mathematics education. Since
then, I have earned my PhD and
moved from one B1G Ten school
Michigan State, to another, The University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
Hopefully as an assistant
professor I'll still have some
time for cupcakes.
If you are looking for my professional site you can find it at: http://lorrainemales.com

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