December 11th, 2010
An apple a day…
Wow! I am so far behind in posting! It has been a busy semester observing student teachers and working on my dissertation proposal. So, I haven’t been making cupcakes that much, but you’ll see a few posts in the next few weeks – some of which are me just catching up and some because it is the holidays and I’ve taken to making more sweets! :-)
So, way back in October a friend of mine bought me the What’s New, Cupcake? book. For you cupcakers out there this is by the authors of the Hello, Cupcake book. You can check out their blog here. Anyway, how nice was that to get this book! Yay! Right away I started flipping through the book trying to decide what to make. My birthday was coming up soon and I thought that I might try to make the apple cupcakes. They seemed interesting and I thought they were a good fit considering the whole teacher/apple tradition.
I thought they were pretty good. I followed the recipe in the book to doctor up a yellow cake mix. I added an extra egg and used buttermilk rather than water.
This is supposed to make the cake a bit denser and I think it did. I happened to have some red cupcake liners left over from Fourth of July. Perfect! I used my usual cream cheese icing and colored it red. I put a thin layer of frosting directly on the cupcake and then the interesting part about these was that that on top there is a mini chocolate frosted donut. You cut the donut so that it lays flat on the cupcake and then put it in the freezer for a bit so that it firms up. After a little bit I took them out and put more frosting on the top trying to get the frosting to go on so that it looked like an apple. Then I just dipped the cupcake in some red sugar. For the stem I used half a tootsie roll and I cut little leaves out of starburst candies. It did actually look like an apple although it tasted like a cupcake!
Posted under Uncategorized
too cute! i'd much rather receive that if I was a teacher!
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hi Sean,I have a nerve problem since my first pregnancies and have a serious communication problem with my husband that ruin our family because there is a third parties at our family. With my broken heart have to living away from my first child and had to dealt with a husband that doesn't want his 2'nd child and giving me a negative energy that i am not a good wife's, being lazy etc, which those are not true, i keep stay positive for both my children, and your positive energy inspire me, thank you for sharing with me your story are awesome.
July 14, 2010 at 1:38 pmI just spend the last three days hiking in the mountains west of Mount Shasta (I left shortly after leaving my comment) and I find that going off alone in nature really helps me to get clear on what’s happening in my life and what I really want — which is really the whole “being conscious” thing for me. .-= John Soares´s last blog ..Free Podcast Interviews With Successful Bloggers =-. Reply
My final comment on the HOOZAJOO game -I don’t think we’ll ever know. How can you?But, certainly over the time it’s been on, it’s turned up some First Rate books of suppressed TRUTH, which expose our dear jew friends for what they really are; books such as Gw2bc’s excellent Deprogramming Classics over at First Light Forum. If you have not got a hold of these books and read them yet, you are seriously short-changing yourself.And that’s what this site is best utilized for – EDUCATION!
Hi Rod,They’re mildly venomous, but generally nothing to be concerned about. I haven’t personally been involved in any cane toad research, but a few of my friends and colleagues are.Stewart