May 28th, 2011

Super WHY! (Homemade Gift 1 of 4)

Wow! Two posts in one day… I can’t make a habit out of this, but maybe I can get caught up at some point. A few months ago on Facebook a friend had this thing  posted about Homemade Gifts. It said that the first so many people (I think it was 4 or 5) who commented on his status and then posted the same message on their own wall would get a homemade gift. So, I decided to do it. One friend who commented on my status had a son who was turning 1 in February and mentioned that he was a Super WHY! fan. This is a TV show that is on PBS. I had seen it once at my parents house. My niece and nephew like it. I figured I would try and do something with a Super WHY! theme that I could easily mail to Missouri. Instead of sending cupcakes, which I wasn’t sure about, I decided I would just send some cupcake toppers. I printed off a picture of the main character from Super WHY!, Super Why himself (he actually seemed the easiest to make). I made the toppers out of Wilton Fondant and used my AmeriColor Gourmet Food Pens for the eyes and mouth. Here is what they looked like once my friend put them on her cupcakes (thanks for taking and sending me the picture). How cute!


I packaged them in waxed paper and plastic bags. I was worried they might be hard and cracked by the time she got them, but she said that when they arrived they were fine.

Posted under Cupcakes

LorrainePhD Welcome to
my site devoted
to all things
cupcake (and
other sweets)!
When I started this blog I was
on my way to earning my PhD
in mathematics education. Since
then, I have earned my PhD and
moved from one B1G Ten school
Michigan State, to another, The University of Nebraska in Lincoln.
Hopefully as an assistant
professor I'll still have some
time for cupcakes.
If you are looking for my professional site you can find it at:

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